Women's Work

Rights Holder
Ruth Broadway
All rights reserved.


Women’s Work (2024) is an artwork created by Ruth Broadway from patches sent to us by over 100 contributors as part of our Patchwork Object Project.

The object was made in Bristol in late 2024 and is composed of 195 patches, including the 148 patches we recieved from contributors around the world. It is a multimedia work that responds to the long tradition of banner making in feminist art; a pole can be threaded through loops of fabric at the top of the work, for it to be hung, carried, marched, celebrated. A fringe of tassels at the bottom of the work responds to textural elements in the patchwork and compounds the jubilant mood of the work. 

Contributing artists, makers, and crafters responded to a call for patches themed around "women's creative identities and lives". Women's Work is the result of that collaboration. More information about the call can be found on the home and "About" pages of this website.


To navigate the object, you can use the buttons in the top left of the image field to: 

  1. Zoom in and out using the + and – buttons; alternatively, you can use the zoom function on your device 
  2. Click the “go home” button to view the whole item
  3. Click the “toggle full page” button to view the image field in full screen mode 

By clicking on individual patches, you will be redirected to the individual record for this patch. Here, you can learn more about who made it, where it was made, and the story behind it. 

To return to this page, click "Women's Work" in the navigation menu at the top of the website.