Patch by Clare


The notion of permission has kept coming up in conversation recently. Permission to let ourselves do things, permission to be creative, permission to be ourselves. How - and when - did it happen that we stopped feeling like we could do anything we pleased?

I find that within stitching I'm able to offer myself a particular sort of freedom. I'm able to do work on my terms, without compromise or apology. I'm never going to be a precise stitcher of the School of Needlework mould, astonishing as their output is; instead, the act of working with needle and thread allows me to shrug of others' rules and to create my own. I find a more strident voice within myself, more prepared to assert my beliefs and mercifully less afraid of causing offense. The stitches I make can form, and mend, and expose. They can be unpicked or reinforced, made overt or rendered invisible, but each connection, mark made, or trace left, offers an assertion of a stitcher's presence. It can be easy for onlookers to dismiss stitching as somehow innocuous; however, in considering these processes in terms of marking and assembly, I suggest that stitching offers evidence of the ways in which I construct a space in the world not only for my work, but also for myself.
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