Patch by Anne
This patch is inspired by Joanna Southcott, the Devonshire prophetess. She grew from humble beginnings to having worldwide followers. She believed herself capable of supernatural powers and the ability to prophecy the Day of Judgement. At the age of 64 she believed herself to be pregnant with the new messiah who never appeared. She died not long after.
Although in my opinion she was misguided in her beliefs you have to admire her tenacity and cunning? Southcott left a sealed wooden casket of her prophecies, with strict instructions to open it only at a time of national crisis and in the presence of all the bishops of the Church of England. The box is still sealed!
Two patchwork quilts that she is reputed to have made remain in the museum in Exeter. They contain secret symbols and curses against the then King, George III. Her name is embroidered with her own hair.
Sometime ago I saw @slowunravelling (Julie Bancroft) a call out for her External Partner Project: Earth scraps.’ After burying a bundle of cloth in the earth she was left with many scraps which she asked participants to create with. I thought this was a wonderful opportunity to include a project within a project.
Like the prophecies in Southcott’s box this small fragment was buried, albeit in the earth, but it has at least revealed its secrets.
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