Patch by Patty


The sheer numbers of patterns and techniques speak to a quilt's art, not it's practicality as a useful object. Quilters and Collectors understand the passion in the creation, evidenced by the careful hoarding and passing them down through generations. Quilts, through time, have reflected political, religious, familial, and many other core beliefs, like most art does. For women of the past this art form was one of the very few ways to identify with issues that were reserved for men. Unlike man of the arts, quilting can be done with simple tools, making it thought less of in the art community.

Inspiration for individual quilts that I have made come from external sources, like all art forms, but the reason I make them comes from my Creator. It is not something I do; it is who I am.

In the beginning of my circle, I was made in His image and the need to create was innate, and necessary, to reflect Him.

In the middle of my circle my mother taught me quilting. This is why quilting became my art expression. I mimicked her, to please and become more like her, creating with my hands and mind. I understood the joy when her hand would slide over a quality piece of fabric and even more when that fabric was given texture, design, and order with stitches. From her I learned the basics, and, with time, I pushed the boundaries she had set and grew in skill and knowledge of the craft. I lost her when she was very young and that changed how and why I quilt.

In my circle to come, no longer striving, my will bent and my purpose humbly understood, not to emulate, but to give glory to the giver of all gifts, I will rejoin with my creators, my earthly mother and my heavenly Father with thanks for the gift of quilting.
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