Patch by Daisy


I started doing tapestry work during the pandemic, partially in order to stop myself doom-scrolling in the evenings, but also because I was recovering from a serious accident at the time and was off-work, very stationary, and needed something to do with my hands while I listened to audiobooks. I really enjoyed it and kept doing it after the pandemic moved out of its acute phase and I became more mobile again, but for this project I wanted to try designing something myself, so I taught myself some free-hand embroidery stitches and bought a book of patterns. I was inspired to do so by hearing Jennie Batchelor talk about her Ladies Magazine website at your workshop! Not at Jennie's standard yet, but Austen-like embroidery is the thing I'll aim for next. Thanks for getting me back into this, and for giving me a reason to try something new!
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