Patch by Lesley
Three Generations: Patch 3
Method: Batik on cotton fabric
1 2 3
Created by Eliana Longo Collins when aged 10 years old.
My daughter’s art education in Italy and the UK had a very limited focus on developing a creative identity. The value and time given to creative subjects was low. The primary opportunities to develop a creative identity were outside of formal education. The exception was The Ark Montessori nursery school where all types of creativity were explored and supported. The main influences on developing a creative identity were:
• Inspiration and learning from her grandmother and me.
• Visiting historic and beautiful places, art exhibitions, and traveling to experience different countries and cultures.
• Family trips with 3 generations of women involved camping and always creativity such as knotting, story sticks, felting, papercraft, stone and glass painting etc. The lighting of fires, telling stories, singing, playing games all added to encouraging creative expression.
• Attending self/family-funded workshops and classes such as Art, Drama, Batik, Jewellery, stained glass etc. ensured the opportunity to develop a creative identity and creative skills essential in life. The above relied on having the money, transport and time to access them.
• Developing computer skills for audio visual presentations, leading online and in person presentations using creative skills including drama, photography, film, music and social media.
• Attending art exhibitions. Activism in movements for change such a Black Lives Matter.
She has been a witness to the barriers women face in life and art and the negative effects of ‘othering’ people but is starting to see slow changes to the visibility of women and ‘others’ in the arts and in the recognition of textiles as an art form.
The power of the arts to change society, improve people’s wellbeing, improve career prospects and to give people a voice by using art is becoming ever clearer. Who decides what art is, why it is important, who has access to it and who can produce it is at last changing. It has taken 3 generations to get this far with a long way still to go.
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