Patch by Wendy (test)


Each stitch is a story
Every thread is a truth
How do we wear our promises
Like life, from the roots.

The tools we may choose
A design may grow
What may be revealed
From this small seed sown?

I make - to use my hands
I make - to feel alive
I make - because I can not
Leave it undone

What I may learn from doing
Or how this might change my thinking
I'll only know when I'm finished
Sending this square on a flying journey.


As my mother lies dying
in her hospice bed
I stitch these flowers
in memory of her seamstress skill
an identity upheld
through necessity.

I dig into my art supplies. Blue cotton from my sons discarded bag, representing the clear blue Central Australian skies. Sandy coloured thread for these flowers and bright seeds to center the design. Freehand machine embroidery creates a gentle garden bed and mimicking the multitude of repairs of my clothes growing up. It's joyful and a privilege to participate in this project, sending these flowers flying across the globe to join others in expressing their creative identity.

[iv] Mary Hennell Wikipedia entry
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