The editor hopes to publish the next number of this most valuable periodical in June; she will therefore be much obliged if our readers will send in their contributions before the 30th of May, and she also requests them to be more punctual in sending them, as this time only one contribution was received by the right day, which was the 20th of March.
The magazine will be sent round to the different members in the same order in which they send in their contributions. Each member is requested to pay the cost of postage, (there being no other charge for the magazine,) and to send it, after not more than four days, to the next member on the list.
The subject proposed for the next number, (not to the exclusion of other subjects,) will be "Flowers."
The manuscripts to be written on notepaper, and in a readable form. The pages must not be numbered.
All communications to be addressed to
Miss Moor
Ampfield Vicarage