

Rights Holder
Charles Eden
University of Exeter

Here we are again, Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are again; this time with a different subject indeed, but with still an echo in our first paper of the Christmas bells.

A watery subject, but not, the Editor hopes you will think, wishy washy watery contributions. Though the theme is scarcely exhausted, yet we have many sides of the question. But though poets have been found for other subjects, yet we have none for this. How so? Will no one attempt to court the wayward muse? Is no one inspired by the mighty roaring of the cataract, or the silent sweeping of the river through the sunny meads, or the turbulent raging of the tumultuous sea?

You will perceive, gentle readers, that the writing is in many different hands. The fact is that the editor bound together all the M.S.S. just as they were (except a few which had to be copied out as they were on wrong-sized paper)

It would give a better appearance to the magazine if contributors would send their papers in large envelopes, so as to avoid the unsightly folds.

The coat of arms is enigmatical, and not the Editor's family shield, though we, who are behind the scenes, have been admitted to the secret of its meaning.


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