

Rights Holder
Charles Eden
University of Exeter

The editor of the Busy Bee is sorry to issue so small a number this time, but she believes some of the readers will rejoice, as the postage is thereby less!

The contributions must be sent in by the 10th of June for the next number. The subjects will be "Loyalty" or "Fidelity," and "Tombstones" both of which have been suggested by writers in the Magazine.

It is particularly requested that all contributors who employ more than one sheet will place one sheet inside another.

Stories that are "To be continued" are not admitted.

The Busy Bee must on no account be kept more than three days (unless, as in the case of Fieldmouse and Effigy, it has to wait for the members' return home) and a post card must be sent to the Editor to say when it was received and when forwarded.

The editor is sorry to have to inform Old Mr Nick that she has has yet received no subscriptions to the Postage Fund, and has therefore been unable to send him any stamps.

She also begs to apologize for a slight mistake in the last number - the Punctuality prize amounts to 6/6, not 7/0, and as members may forget for what the prize is given, the editor thinks it advisable to quote the following from the Preface of July 1879, as the prize will be given in July 1880.

"A punctuality prize will be given every year (beginning July 1879) for the member (1) who sends most contributions to the Magazine, (2) who never keeps it too long, (3) who sends the post-card as requested to the editor to say when he receives and forwards the Busy Bee; (4) who sends his contributions most punctually."

Any reader may write remarks in this book, but they must be written in ink and not too long.

Any reader can have the book again at the end of its rounds, on application.

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