

Rights Holder
Charles Eden
University of Exeter

The editor of the Busy Bee while wishing its readers a happy New Year rejoices in being able to issue a full-sized number of the Magazine, and hopes that the next (April) number will be the same size!

The contributions to be sent in by the 10th of March, by which time also all subscriptions for the Poem Prize, and the Poems for competition must be sent in.

The subject will be "Courage" or "Golden Deeds," (as suggested by one of the competitors) which can be taken singly or together. The poems will all be copied out to prevent partiality in the voting.

It is requested that all writers in the Busy Bee who employ more than one sheet of paper for their contributions will place one sheet inside another.

The remarks must be written in ink, and not too long (especially Mockingbirds, who is also requested to keep his original name.)

The Busy Bee must on no account be kept more than three days, and must be forwarded in precisely the same order as prescribed, and in the same cover.

The editor is willing to receive subscriptions to defray the cost of the Postage of the Busy Bee for those members who are unable to pay it themselves, and will undertake to forward the subscriptions to the right parties. All readers wishing to be helped by this fund to subscribe their names below. The usual postage is fourpence!

[Comment:] Old Nick will be most happy to receive two or three fourpences in advance to save the Editors time & trouble.

The editor is particularly desirous of knowing whether her readers prefer to receive the Busy Bee in the early part of its rounds or in the later part, when the remarks are written, that she may revise the list of addresses accordingly, preference being always given to the Busy Bees before the Drones.

All readers are requested to sign their names on either side of the opposite page.

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