The editor regrets that by reason of her unexpected absence from home the Busy Bee is one day late in appearing; she hopes therefore that none of the readers will keep it too long: three days only is the time allowed for reading it, and they must not exceed that time. The successful candidate for the weather poem prize is Fiddledum, author of "Ringing the changes;" the money (13"4) will be given to the House of Rest for Convalescents near ??.
A punctuality prize will be given every year (beginning July '79) for the member(s) who sends most contributions for the magazine: (2) who never keeps it too long! (3) who sends the post-card as requested, to the editor to say when he receives and forwards the Busy Bee; (4) who sends his contributions most punctually. Every member is therefore expected to pay a subscription of one penny per year, which is to be inserted in the form of a stamp in the envelope for the purpose at the [crossed out: end] beginning of the magazine.
Any reader of this book is allowed to write criticisms and remarks &c, in the spaces for that purpose, but they must be written in ink.
A post-card is to be sent to the Editor when the Busy Bee is forwarded.