

Rights Holder
Charles Eden
University of Exeter

[Comment:] What a jolly good margin we have on the next page!

The Editor has much pleasure in producing the summer number of the Busy Bee, with its most appropriate subject of "flowers", and though some of the bees are still silent, and some sent in their contributions after the day appointed she hopes they will be more punctual next time.

The Editor would call her reader's attention to the fact that this book is illustrated; may the example of these few skilful artists be followed by others next time. She also requests her readers not to keep the magazine too long, as the last number was sent off on the first of April, and did not reach the Editor again till the twenty-second of May, and if it is kept too long by some, the later members become impatient. The manuscripts this time are not arranged in any particular order. The spaces between each paper are meant for the readers' comments, but each person is requested not to take up more than the space allotted to him, and no person is obliged to make comments.

You are requested to write them in ink.

June 14

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