Front cover
January 1878: Bells
January 1878: Bells
Preface No 1
Preface no I.
How doth the little Busy Nee
Delight to bark and bite;
To gather honey all the day,
and eat it all the night!
Dear reader, do not believe that this was ever applied to me. You need not be afraid, I assure you, there is no sting in my tail, or in any of my tales (for I have several.) And is my collection to be compared to honey? That is a point for you to decide. Anyhow I will not eat it, but will rather leave it for succeeding generations to admire. Rather this latter view, of my labours!
How does the little crocodile
Improve his shining tail;
and pour the waters of the Nile
on every glittering scale?
January 1878: Bells
Preface No 2
Preface No II.
"A happy new year to you all!" said Mr John Smith to his wife and family, as he came down to breakfast on New Year’s Day. Of course all the little John Smiths and Mary Smiths re-echoed the wish to their dear Papa; and the Editor of the Busy Bee would fain to follow their example, and wish his readers a very happy New Year!
"Somewhat late in the day!" says smiling Miss Simpkins, with a reproachful glance. "Ah madam! If you had had all the labour that I have, perhaps you would have been a little behind ?? too. Such a collecting of manuscripts, such a rushing of the pen, over such acres of paper, such a confused mass of thoughts in the Editor‘s brain, enough to delay even an Express train! And more over Madam, had you been quite punctual in sending in your valuable contributions perhaps the Editor would have been punctual in sending in out his magazine!
Ah well! We all have our failings, and as the year is not very old yet, but is even now only a baby in long clothes, the Editor is not so very much behind his appointed day. However, be that as it may, here we are, with many apologies and confessions of guilt! Here is a heterogeneous collection for your breakfast table! May it only not prove indigestible! And perhaps next time we put in an appearance, with many a timid glance, we shall not be so late as we are now; however in the mean time, with a repetition of her former good wishes, the Editor will just bow herself off the stage, and retire into private life.
January 1878: Bells
A Conscientious Ghost
January 1878: Bells
Editorial Letter
With apologies for the great bareness of the cover, a bareness which he believes will soon be remedied by the blushes of the Misses Grimston.
In the sad and incomprehensible continuance of negligence manifested by the Editor of the Busy Bee, the Sub-Editor presents his complements and umbel dooty [sic.] to the Misses Grimston, and sends them a copy of his magazine.
He begs to apologise for the delay in publication, consequent on the press of work caused by the impunctuality of some of his contributors, an impunctuality from which the Misses Grimston are excluded.
He has no comments to offer on the contents, save that at the last a versifier or two did turn up to redeem the character of the magazine Their efforts he will not criticize, as he would not discourage any from doing the like for another number.
With regard to blotting paper, which seems to be prevalent in the minds of some of his contributors, he can only say that when he read over the MSS (in the neglect of the Editor - for which he begs to apologize) his eye-brows were elevated, and a twitching might have been observed at the corners of his mouth. His ingenuity has not been sufficient to paint a hive on the cover of his Magazine and he was too modest to exhibit his ignorance of the fine arts to his fair correspondents.
January 1878: Bells
The Skeleton of St. Amand
January 1878: Bells
The Bells on New Year's Eve
January 1878: Bells
Christmas Bells
Cyril K.S.
January 1878: Bells
Christmas Eve in Hospital
January 1878: Bells
The Guidance of Church Bells
Cyril K.S.
January 1878: Bells
Christening Bells
January 1878: Bells
A few words about Bells
January 1878: Bells
Midnight in Quad
January 1878: Bells
The fire-bell
Semper Fidelis
January 1878: Bells
Their last peal
January 1878: Bells
January 1878: Bells
January 1878: Bells
The next number of the Busy Bee will, it is hoped, be issued early in April; and the degree of punctuality of its issue must depend chiefly on that of our correspondents, from whom contributions are earnestly requested.
The subject proposed for the next number - not to the exclusion of other subjects - is "Water" which in its various forms of steam, snow, ice, cloud, fog, sea, river, or lake &c, is, the Editor believes a very wide field for the exercise of the pen, whether in prose or verse. This latter especially she would endeavour to encourage. It is requested that papers be sent in by Wednesday, the twentieth of March.
January 1878: Bells
Back cover
January 1878: Bells